can't believe it's been a month since my last post! bad sarah! well, it's been a busy month, I've done a lot, but I've got nothing to write about.
Literally, this past month has been filled with coursework, revision and work. I should be revising tonight but I can't even seem to get started and I know nothing will sink in when I'm in this kind of mood. The exams monday aswell so that's not really a good attitude to take. They finally announced our courseowkr results yesterday aswell, after making us wait 2 months instead of the usual 3 weeks...all with no explanation as to why really. I think I'll do ok, I've got a B on the coursework and I do know the material. The only thing that's going to stump me is names of people. Also, as I didn't start revising until quite late I haven't read in depth that much, but I know the basic arguments and have a fair idea of what the questions should be like. Unfortunatly, every time I've felt that this year about an exam or coursework they've changed something or gone against what they said they would do. For example, our Cognitive Psychology exam. We were PROMISED there would definatly be a question on the Emotional Stroop Test as there is every year, so for that lecturers part of the exam we would be sound to just revise that. There are alot of areas in cognitive psychology and the exam covered 6, though we only had to pick three questions to write. So, what most of the people I spoke to did, myself included, was to revise Emotional Stroop for that section of the exam. It was drilled into us all semester. "emotional stroop this...emotional stroop that...what affects the emotional stroop...what can it be used for.." you get my drift. So, we all walk into the exam room quite confident that we know we are able to at least write a decent essay on that question. And the lecture didnt write a question about it. At all. no mention of the Emotional Stroop. He decided to write about Real time Processing and the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire instead. I hadn't revised either, but I did sort of remember the CFQ lecture so I started to write about that and twisted it in the direction of the emotional stroop. Now I'm hoping that the biology lecturer doesn't do the same thing.
This biology exam covers lots of areas aswell: sexual jealousy, sexual behaviour and orientation, sleep, aggression, language, split brain, polygraph and the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. Theyve told us to focus on 4 or 5 areas, so I'm looking at sleep, aggression, ploygraph and dopamine hypothesis. I might have a quick go over the split brain tomorrow just so I have something else as back up, no matter how little it might be. I think it's just to much to expect from students, to write indepth essays, evaluating and describing theories, in seven areas. Especially when 2 weeks before they had to hand in 2 pieces of coursework for other subjects! My mind cant multi task that much information adequately.
Apart from that, not much has been going on.. We went to see Skindred the other night and they were amazing, and to let off steam we're going to see Derren Brown on Tuesday night so I'm really looking forward to that.
My hayfevers acting up at the moment so I'm all bunged up with a cough. Lovely. Please go away before Derren Brown! I'd hate to be dragged on stage sounding like this and unable to breathe through my nose.
Carla's doing well with training, We now have a halti head harness for when we walk her which means she no longer pulls. Well, until you take the halti off then she reverts back to old habits. Taking her to the vets tomorrow. Been thinking it was time to clean her ears. I checked them yesterday and they didn't look to bad, I had to remember to get some wipes from the shop on Saturday. But I checked them today and one is bright red and slightly inflammed. I'm hoping it's not an infection from dirt and more something she may have picked up from the foxes and long grass on the nature reserve,
I have been feeling swamped lately by all the animals. They all seem to need cleaning out at the same time, which is all the time, and we don't always have the time to do them. We do have some spare time, but when you get in from an 8 hour + long shift the last thing you feel like doing is spending a hour or so cleaning turtles or a lizard. Even on my days off I forgert about the guinea pigs until the evening and then I'm tierd and feeling guilty for not doing them. I'm promising myself now. My first day off work after my exam and presentation I will clean at least 2 of the animals. Thing is, Colley never helps but always wants a life somewhere and that takes time up. i'm one of these people who, when the mood to do something takes them, has to do it there and then, or in the order I've thought about it, and Colley always says do it later. If I leave it I fidget alot as I can't just sit there. I'm always thinking "I should be doing this...I NEED to be doing this NOW!" and when later comes around I'm no longer in the mood to do it and I end up really grumpy and arsey.
My prmoise goes out to you my pets, you WILL be cleaned my first day off after wednesday, I WILL ignore Colley (in a nice way) and not do anything else until you have been sorted. You have my word. There, now I've said it I have to do it.
Well, that's it for now. I've written alot about nothing really. Same as usual then.
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