Little ol' me

Little ol' me

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

blood practicals and sticky plaster finger puppets

We had a practical for biological psychology today and it was a little strange. The experiment was on blood glucose levels and our concentration. In order to measure our blood glucose levels we had to use these little disposable automatic needle things to prick our fingers and then put the blood droplets on a little automatic reader. Each time we had to give two samples to try and get an accurate reading, but according to the technician (who was wearing a big white coat that had stains on it that looked alot like blood!) I didn't do it properly the first time so I had to do it again! It hurt loads the second time around! After that and a memory test about a global warming video, we had to drink this orange squash with sugar (i think) in it.

The juice reminded me of the cheap juice that schools and nurserys give to kids at lunch or during kids parties as cinemas. Rather strong and tastes absolutly nothing like orange juice! We then had to give more blood (different finger this time!) and do another memory test. It felt kinda wierd to be giving blood for a university experiment, and the readings I got were a little odd. They told us not to make any assumptions about our health based on this one, not always accurate, test, but the normal levels were between 5 and 7 whatchamacallits. I had chocolate cereal and a really sugary tea about an hour before the practical and my levels were about 4.3. After the really sugary drink they were still 4.3. Now I know it's not accurate but it is a little unsettling to be told that after chcocolate, and two sugary drinks your blood glucose level is still below normal range! Another girl measured 2.4 on her first sample though, which made me feel better, but considering we were told 1.5 means you're dead...well she didn't feel to enthusiastic after that!

It was one of those days as well today where I knew I'd forgotten something but I really couldnt remember what...then I realised when I was on the bus to uni that I'd forgotten my phone and was meant to ring my fiance to make sure he remembered to feed the animals before he went to work. Usually I'm always playing games on my phone while on the bus as it just makes the journey so much quicker! Today, I decided to people watch..and people are boring! No-one did anything of interest. So, on the way back home with my two fingers wrapped in sticky plasters to stop them bleeding after the samples, I made finger puppets!

It truly is amazing how much entertainment two sticky plasters with faces and hair drew on them can give a person. Mercifully, the top deck of the bus only had one other person on it and they stayed at the back while I sat at the front so I didn't get to many wierd looks. Hey! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to amuse herself! I recently found my ipod again and uploaded Murderdolls so my two little finger people were moshing to their new album and some of Wednesday 13's solo stuff. Unfortunatly, the two puppet moshers are now in the bin as they started to get a bit tatty and fluff from my glove added to the wild hair I drew. Rest In Peace little rockers.

Well, I'd better stop procrastinating and actually get on with some uni work (boo! roll on summer hols...I wanna break!).

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