Little ol' me

Little ol' me

Thursday, 3 February 2011

2011 so far

So with one month of 2011 behind us, how is everyone doing?

After that disasterous presentation at the start of the year I was feeling really down and dispirited with myself and my abilities. I was questionning whether I had chosen the right degree, was I capable etc... we got our grades a couple of weeks ago and I managed to get 2 As and a B. I still get those depressed feelings and thoughts from time to time but I'm feeling decidely more hopeful than I did at the start of the year.

Home wise, we're moving back in with my fiances dad. Not my first choice but we cannot afford to live on our own at the moment and it's better than putting myself into even more debt and creating debt for my other half. We're going to wait til I'm working full time out of university and we can comfortably afford somewhere, perhaps a house with a garden for Carla. It's a bit of a nightmare having a mountain of uni work to do plus all our stuff to pack, move and organise yet again, but since it's only across the hall then we're doing it a bit at a time to avoid to much stress. I'm going to miss the independence and having our own private space but I know it's the best thing to do right now.

I'm off to jolly London in a week or so to visit one of my best friends and take her her long overdue birthday present of goldfish. The train and tube journeys ought to be interesting! we're going to a party and on a Ripper walk so I'm quite wet your pants excited :-) it's only a weekend but I'm gonna try and get down again in the summer.

Carla's doing well at training class, at least until this week. Right at the start of class she came into season, started dripping blood on the floor. We managed to get her out before any of the boys noticed. But apart from being a bit put out at wearing doggie pants (i am NOT cleaning blood out of cream carpets) she's her usual happy self.

All in all, apart from a couple of rough days, 2011 is feeling better so far than 2010. hears hoping it continues that way!


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